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A Good Idea


HIRED is a workforce development organization that provides a wide range of programs to help disadvantaged people and other job seekers prepare for and obtain employment. Adult programs include job search assistance, networking groups, and workshops on résumé development and interviewing. Programs specifically targeted towards youth provide support needed to obtain high school diplomas and to pursue higher education. In cases where 50 or more workers are laid off from a single company, HIRED operates special projects created by the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development to support the dislocated workers.

In order to bring employers and workers together, HIRED also provides industry-specific training programs in manufacturing, health care, customer service, transportation, and "green" careers. Employers can seek candidates by posting positions in a searchable jobs database or participating in HIRED's job fairs. In some cases, employers can be matched with workers whose wages are supplemented by government or HIRED funds. HIRED receives federal Workforce Investment Act funds and operates several programs targeted to low-income recipients of the Minnesota Family Investment Program. Other sources of income include corporate giving programs and foundation support.

Goal / Mission

HIRED's mission is to provide personalized and innovative work solutions.

Results / Accomplishments

In 2010, HIRED helped over 12,500 clients either obtain employment or become better positioned for employment. More than 500 unemployed youth completed HIRED's Job Seeking Skills and Job Keeping Skills component, and 83% of participants aged 19-21 were successful in securing employment. HIRED serves hundreds of employers each year, providing customized recruitment and retention services. The organization operates 16 neighborhood-based offices, as well as partnership program sites to serve specific client groups or geographic areas.

About this Promising Practice

Primary Contact
HIRED main office
1200 Plymouth Avenue North
Minneapolis, MN 55411
Economy / Employment
Economy / Economic Climate
Education / Educational Attainment
Date of implementation
Geographic Type
Minneapolis, MN
For more details
Target Audience
Teens, Adults
Michigan Health Improvement Alliance