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Transitional Housing Placement Plus

An Effective Practice


The Transitional Housing Placement Plus (THP-Plus) program provides affordable housing and supportive services to help former foster care and probation youth transition to independent living. The program is available to youth, ages 18 to 24, who are transitioning from out-of-home placements. Youth in California may remain in foster care until age 18, when they must exit the foster care system due to age ineligibility. Previous studies have shown that foster youth are three times more likely than their peers in the general population to be out of work and school. THP-Plus subsidizes housing costs for rental units, dormitories, or living with a host family for up to 24 months. Services include case management, assistance in pursing post-secondary education, job readiness training, mentoring and support for building relationships with caring adults, and coordination with the county-administered Independent Living Program. The program assists participants with costs associated with rent, utilities, furnishings, food, and other necessities.

Goal / Mission

The goal of THP-Plus is to provide affordable housing and supportive services to youth formerly in the foster care and juvenile probation systems.

Results / Accomplishments

The THP-Plus program has expanded to serve more than 1,000 annually. The THP-Plus Participant Survey was conducted to evaluate the outcomes of youth enrolled in the program. Survey respondents reported significant increases in work participation since entering THP-Plus (63% vs. 53% at entry into the program). Survey respondents reported significant increase in hourly wage, from ($10.25 vs. $9.05/hour at entry), this difference increases with the amount of time spent in the program ($11.76/hour after one year). Significantly more respondents had enrolled in school since entering THP-Plus (68% vs. 65% at entry) particularly in community college (47% vs. 28% at entry). Participants in the program are less likely to be neither attending school nor working (13% vs. 19% at entry). Significantly more participants in the program had established a permanent connection with an adult who could provide support, advice, and guidance since entering THP-Plus (93% vs. 84% at entry). Participants are satisfied with the program, with 92% rating the program as excellent or good.

About this Promising Practice

California Department of Social Services, John Burton Foundation, Corporation for Supportive Housing
Primary Contact
Michele Byrnes, Project Manager
THP-Plus Statewide Implementation Project
John Burton Foundation
235 Montgomery Street, Suite 1142
San Francisco, CA 94104
(415) 693-1323
Economy / Housing & Homes
Economy / Income
Community / Social Environment
California Department of Social Services, John Burton Foundation, Corporation for Supportive Housing
Date of publication
Date of implementation
For more details
Target Audience
Michigan Health Improvement Alliance