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Lead Safe Babies

An Effective Practice


The Lead Safe Babies Program provides new mothers with the necessary education and materials to keep their children free from lead poisoning. Nurses/outreach workers visit mothers in their homes and educate on prevention methods such as washing children's toys, cleaning surfaces weekly, and staying away from peeling paint, and more. Mothers are also given a "lead bucket" filled with cleaning supplies, crayons, and coloring books for children. Outreach workers follow when babies reach nine months of age and encourage screening.

Goal / Mission

The goal of this program is to ensure that children never become lead poisoned.

Results / Accomplishments

Results of previous Lead Safe Babies programs have shown a statistically significant increase in knowledge about lead poisoning prevention among participants. The average blood lead levels of LSB clients compared to children in the same zip codes were lower in all tests. Ultimately clients should be compared to a control group at ages of 2-4 to further evaluate the program's impact.

About this Promising Practice

National Nursing Centers Consortium
Primary Contact
Tine Hansen-Turton
National Nursing Centers Consortium
260 South Broad Street, 18th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19102
(215) 731-7140
Health / Maternal, Fetal & Infant Health
Environmental Health / Toxins & Contaminants
Health / Other Conditions
National Nursing Centers Consortium
American Public Health Association
For more details
Target Audience
Michigan Health Improvement Alliance