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An Effective Practice


WomenVenture is a nonprofit organization that provides support to women and women-owned businesses in the form of microloans, consulting services, financial and marketing education, and networking opportunities. As a Women's Business Center supported by the Small Business Association, the organization helps strengthen and expand both fledgling and established women-owned businesses. WomenVenture also hosts workshops to educate women who are not necessarily business owners on professional brand development and to guide them through job transitions. One of its signature programs, Women Can Do It!, focuses specifically on helping women launch careers in traditionally male-dominated, high-growth, high-paying industries. Women Can Do It! participants receive life coaching, financial education, job placement assistance, and are eligible for scholarships for technical skills training. This program helps women establish careers in such fields as information technology, energy process, and construction.

Goal / Mission

WomenVenture helps women of all ages, cultures, races and income levels achieve economic success.

Results / Accomplishments

In 2010, WomenVenture assisted clients in creating or growing 108 small businesses and generating 325 new small business jobs in the Twin Cities metropolitan area. The organization helped clients secure $242,000 in WomenVenture business loans, along with additional capital loans from local banking partners. For non-business-owners, WomenVenture held an intensive two-day Get Hired! workshop that educated hundreds of attendees. Through its Women Can Do It! program, WomenVenture provided job and life skills training to 76 low-income women, of whom 67% were minorities and 16% were ex-offenders. The program placed 68% of participants in jobs, and measured an 85% on-the-job retention rate after six months.

About this Promising Practice

Primary Contact
2324 University Avenue West, Suite 120
Saint Paul MN 55114
Economy / Employment
Community / Community & Business Resources
Economy / Income
Date of implementation
Geographic Type
Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN
For more details
Target Audience
Women, Racial/Ethnic Minorities
Michigan Health Improvement Alliance