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Green and Healthy Homes through People United for Sustainable Housing

A Good Idea


People United for Sustainable Housing (PUSH) Buffalo works to bring together residents and organizations to bring much needed resources into Buffalo's community. PUSH Buffalo's affordable housing initiatives are focused on creating high quality, permanently affordable, and environmentally sustainable shelter for immigrants and low income individuals and households.

Goal / Mission

The mission of PUSH Buffalo is to mobilize residents to create strong neighborhoods with quality, affordable housing; to expand local hiring opportunities; and to advance economic and environmental justice in Buffalo.

Results / Accomplishments

In 2011, PUSH transformed a house into the region’s first NetZero Energy house, where the home produces all of the energy that it consumes. It generates hot water and electricity from solar panels, and heat from a geothermal system installed in the vacant lot next door.

About this Promising Practice

People United for Sustainable Housing (PUSH) Buffalo
Primary Contact
Natalie Correa-Rodriguez
Environmental Health / Built Environment
Economy / Housing & Homes
People United for Sustainable Housing (PUSH) Buffalo
Geographic Type
Buffalo, NY
For more details
Target Audience
Families, Racial/Ethnic Minorities
Michigan Health Improvement Alliance