Community Health Excellence Awards
Objective: Implementation of a widely-publicized and promoted health excellence award system to encourage healthy behaviors and to recognize the individuals and organizations that are serving as positive role models within the region on an annual basis.
Timeline: January 1 - December 2018 (annual)
Project Coordinator: Katie Trotter (
Community Champion(s): Peggy Sczepanski (Dow Health Services), Shanna Hensler (MidMichigan Medical Center - Gratiot)
Project Coordinator: Katie Trotter (
Community Champion(s): Peggy Sczepanski (Dow Health Services), Shanna Hensler (MidMichigan Medical Center - Gratiot)
The Michigan Health Improvement Alliance (MiHIA) Community Health Excellence Award recognizes and inspires outstanding contributions to improving the health status of the community in our 14-county region. Recognition is awarded to those groups or workplaces who have contributed to improving the culture of health in any capacity. Both evidenced-based and innovative actions will be considered for the award.This initiative was developed by MiHIA’s Population Health Strategy Team and aligned to the MiHIA Quadruple Aim Leadership Committee of the Board of Directors.
Solo Drivers with a Long Commute
This indicator measures the proportion of commuters who drive alone to work and commute for more than 30 minutes.
Data Source: County Health Rankings
Work Plan:
Objective 1
Secure project coordinator
Project Coordinator Letter of Engagement executedExecute/sign agreement between MiHIA and Kurbo
Agreement between MiHIA and Kurbo executed
Objective 2
Secure community partners to educate and raise awareness to recruit eligible participants; Establish referral linkages/processes
Virtual informational session/ kick-off meeting to introduce and demo program; develop communication and education toolkitProgram education for physicians and providers about Kurbo, including but not limited to, referral options, short-term and long-term benefits.
Increased dialogue with physicians, providers, private practice groups within the six counties about referring patients into program
Objective 3
Implementation of service delivery to children, adolescents and families within the predetermined 6 County Region
Evidenced through enrollment data80% of participants complete post program survey, delivered at 30-days, 90-days, 6-months, and 12-months post completion of the 3 month program.
Sustained results based on participant weight change, self-confidence & self-esteem, feelings of self-control, active lifestyle, and conflict between children and parents over food and exercise measured
GOAL: Receive at least 20 applications
GOAL: Receive at least one application per county in the MiHIA region (Application from organizations that serve multiple counties will be counted for each county they represent, as long as those policies/services apply to all sites)