Opioid Regional Strategy Map
The MiHIA Opioid Priority Strategy Workgroup was formed in November 2016 with the recognition that while there were significant efforts across the region to address the opioid epidemic, there was a distinct opportunity to have a coordinated approach.
In order to best facilitate this approach, the Opioid Workgroup has first set out to complete a strategy map of services, interventions, initiatives, and actions from multiple sectors and regional community partners and coalitions producing a complete catalog of current activities and approaches. This strategy map will be leveraged to guide information sharing, alignment of resources, identification of scalable models and opportunities to invest resources to address critical gaps and breakthrough opportunities.
- PHASE I: Collect and catalog existing activities, services, and resources on opioid strategies across the continuum of care occurring in the MiHIA region.
- PHASE II: Opioid Workgroup will be able to identify gaps in the strategy map where resources might be applied or reinvested to gain greater impact. Priority focus areas will be determined based upon need for alignment and to address needs.